The first time I shared the gospel, my cheeks got so red and my mouth was drier than the Sahara Desert. I was so nervous and wished I had some tips for how to share the gospel a little more confidently.
Are you uncomfortable sharing your faith? Are you unsure of how to share the gospel in a way that’s received well? Maybe you don’t know what to say or you don’t feel confident or qualified enough to share what you believe. Do you get intimidated or flustered by opposing views? Same here girl, but we’re called to share our faith as Christians. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with all the tips!
By the end of this post, you’ll learn tips to share the gospel in a way that’s received well which will allow you to share your faith with confidence!
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The Gospel in a Nutshell
Before we get to the nitty gritty of how to share the gospel, let’s quickly cover the gospel itself.
If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re already pretty familiar with the gospel story but it’s good to go back to basics sometimes! (If you want to read about what Christianity even is, read here.)
As Christians, we believe in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
The gospel in a nutshell is this: Jesus, the Son of God, was a real person who lived a sinless life, died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins, and rose again to sit with the Father. He’s a living God!
And He has washed our sins away by taking that punishment for us. What a beautiful story! (Romans 6:23)
We are offered the gift of salvation through the work Jesus did on the cross for us.
Some put it simply by using the ABCs. (Romans 10:9)
For salvation:
- Admit you’re a sinner.
- Believe that Jesus died for your sins.
- Confess Jesus as Lord.
I think as Christians, we sometimes complicate the simplicity of the gospel and use it as a reason to not share. Well, I know I do sometimes.
We don’t need some long speech that we’ve prepared in advance in order to share our faith with others. Hopefully that takes a little pressure off.
Related reading: How to Use a Faith Journal to Track your Journey of Faith
So how exactly do we share this amazing message in a way that’s received well?
I’ll show you below!
Plus here’s an interesting, meaningful devotional about preaching the gospel to yourself (helpful so you can share it with others more easily!).
The reason I’m saying “received well” is because there’s definitely a way to share the gospel that isn’t received well.
You probably know what I’m talking about. It’s the in-your-face, jam-it-down-people’s-throats way that is totally off-putting. Sometimes, some Christians have a tendency to share in this way because they want so badly to get their point across. But they forget to share with gentleness and even forget to listen!
I think listening and having a healthy back-and-forth conversation is healthy and productive! Sharing the gospel shouldn’t be a one-way conversation where you’re doing all the talking.
Okay, let’s get to the tips!

Sharing the gospel, for some reason, can be really scary!
Any time I’ve directly shared the gospel with someone (by directly I mean with words instead of actions), my heart races and my cheeks get flushed. My voice is a little shaky and I’m nervous.
Related reading: My Top Strategy for Finding Comfort
I’m not sure if the nerves are because I think I have to “convert” them right then and there or because I don’t know exactly what I’ll say.
So I think it might be helpful for you (and me!) to have a few phrases that will get us started and keep us on track when sharing the gospel.
Starting the Conversation
This might happen naturally! That’s ideal, honestly. I had a friend ask me once, “So what exactly do you believe?” And this was such an easy way for me to share what I believe and add how she could come to know Jesus too!
However, those instances where someone asks you explicitly about your faith are few and far between in my experience. These conversations don’t always fall into your lap.
Sometimes, you’ll feel a little tug at your heart (the Holy Spirit) that prompts you to share. Maybe you’re listening to your friend struggle, maybe your sibling is going down the path of addiction, maybe the lady in front of you at Target is complaining to you about the state of the world… And you feel compelled to share what’s on your heart.
In these instances, it’s on you to start the conversation about your faith. You’re the one that has to initiate and start the conversation. So what do you say??
I find that this phrase is an easy way to start a conversation about your faith: “I’ve felt a lot of comfort in the fact that…” Then you can finish the sentence by saying something like:
Jesus loves me despite my sins.
I’m washed clean by the blood of Christ.
God knows the exact plan for my life.
At this point, gauge how your comment sits with them. If they’re not in a place to take that in and don’t show interest, maybe you stop there. We’re called to plant seeds. We don’t have to change someone’s mind about God in that one conversation. All we have to do is plant little seeds.
If your initial comment sits well with them, maybe you take it further.
Continuing the Conversation
If you’re wondering how to share the gospel, here’s my favorite way to approach it: I think asking them if they’re open to hearing about it sets the tone for the conversation.
If we just go in guns blazing and ramble off the details of our faith without permission, people will likely be closed off.
Try saying something like this: “Hey, would you be open to hearing about how my life was really changed when I was introduced to God?”
Or: “I’d love to tell you how I feel so much hope in these difficult times. Would you be open to hearing about my faith a bit?”
I believe that asking a question like this shows them that you’re actually being genuine in your desire to share with them. And people respond well to authenticity.
Skye Sauchelli

Here’s an Example
Let’s say a friend is struggling with something and I’m feeling the Holy Spirit prompt me to share my faith with her. I may say something like this:
“This struggle sounds so heavy, girl. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Your feelings are completely valid. Can I offer you some comforting words?” (Wait for her response.)
“I’ve found so much hope in my life during challenges because I know that God’s got me in the palm of His hand. He knows exactly what’s coming next, and I know I don’t have the strength to take it on alone. So I’ve been surrendering my struggles to Him and it feels so good to know that He’s in control. Have you ever tried that?” (Let her respond. Listen to her!)
“Can I share one more thing about my faith that has honestly changed my life?” (Let her respond.)
“Before I was saved and before I called myself a Christian, I didn’t have any hope at all that things would be okay. But by believing that Jesus died to take the punishment for my sins and asking Him to be my God, I find peace every day that no matter what this life throws at me, I have an eternity in heaven waiting for me!
“This life and these struggles are just a drop in the bucket compared to what’s waiting for me in heaven because I’ve accepted Jesus as my savior. I know I just threw a lot at you, but honestly, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I wanted to share it with you, especially given your current struggles! What do you think of all that?”
Allow her time to process. Allow pauses and space in the conversation. Listen to her and respond thoughtfully and graciously.
A Few More Tips
- The words you say when sharing the gospel are one thing, but how you say them is just as important!
- Remember it’s a conversation. Don’t feel like you have to get all your words out at once to make sure they hear them. Leave pauses. Ask questions.
- Listen to what she’s saying! You may have someone challenge you on what you believe. Lots of people have lots of opinions. Just because her opinion is different, doesn’t mean you get to be argumentative. Hear her out. Listening to her doesn’t mean you agree, it just means you’re being respectful.
- Don’t talk AT them, talk TO them. Be gentle with your tone.

By indirectly, I mean by your actions. There are ways to share the gospel without using words at all!
This may be a relief because I bet you’re thinking, Pheww, I’m glad I don’t HAVE to talk to anyone about my faith.
Well, I hate to break it to you, but we are called to do that! (Mark 16:15)
This “indirect” sharing through actions is just in addition to the direct sharing.
Has anyone ever said anything like this to you:
“Why are you so happy all the time?”
“How are you always so nice?”
These are examples of how sometimes, people see that we as Christians are different from the average Joe. This means that you’re living your life to a higher standard and working to please God.
And people notice that!
When someone makes a comment about how different you are, you can use that as a chance to share a little something about your faith! You might say something like: “That’s just the love of God flowing out of me!” in a cute and silly way, just to get across the point that you are different because of Jesus!
Being Intentional About Your Actions
You can share the gospel indirectly by simply engaging in actions that honor God.
You might help the mom who has her hands full bring groceries to her car, maybe you offer to drive your friend’s sister home, or you pay for someone’s coffee at Wawa.
You will be displaying the love of God out in the world, in your job, at the store, with your family, by simply being kind, compassionate, understanding, and going out of your way for others. Use the Proverbs 31 woman as a blueprint.
People notice that stuff, especially in a world where most people are only looking out for themselves.
I was on a run last week and saw a real estate sign that fell out of its frame that was stuck into the lawn. I know from two real estate agents in my life how expensive those metal signs can be. So I stopped my run, picked up the sign, and tried to slide it back into place. I couldn’t get it, so I found a spot under a bush where the wind wouldn’t take it (it was unseasonably windy).
It’s little things like this that cause us to stand apart from the crowd and make people wonder why we’re different. I’m not telling you this story to toot my own horn, but just to show you that living a life that honors God doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming or unpleasant!
It feels good to do good things! And you’re being a testimony to others!
Let’s Bring it Home
If you were feeling unsettled about the idea of sharing your faith, I hope that you have more confidence now! You’ve got a few phrases to try out, an understanding of how and when to share, and tips to boost your confidence!
I pray that you feel excited about sharing your faith instead of nervous!
Related Reading:
3 Misconceptions about Prayer SHATTERED + 3 Tips for More Meaningful Prayer
Tired of Life’s Pressure? How to Surrender to God
How to Feel Truly Fulfilled in Life
Christianity and Anxiety: 5 Things the Bible Says about Anxiety
What Does “Faith Without Works is Dead” Even Mean?
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I love this post because so many people need to hear this because they are afraid to share the gospel. Yes you must accept the Lord as your personal savior and be lead by the Holy Spirit. So it’s great you wrote this post and God will meet you right where you are.
Thanks for your kind words, Christy! 🙂