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Okay, so inspiration struck me while I was laying on my hammock after I attended a super cool workshop. I had this urge to write a blog post that breaks all the rules. When it comes to inspirational life lessons, this was what I was waiting for!
I had been feeling a bit uninspired. Can you relate? It’s like things are totally fine and okay, but you’re just not feeling that zest for life or creation or existence that you once had. Nothing happened for you to lose it, but it’s just not there anymore.
Know the feeling? Me too, so I’m sharing a few thoughts and lessons that are at the forefront of my mind right now.
By the end of this post, you’ll feel inspired to do something new, pay closer attention to the lessons in your life, and be more attuned to your inner thoughts. I can’t wait to break all the blogging rules just this once and treat this like a journal entry so I can share my thoughts and updates plus my inspired new random ideas!

Current Random Thoughts
It’s Okay to Break the Rules (you set for yourself)!
This blog post doesn’t follow the rules but I felt inspired to do something different. To give you a little behind-the-scenes look, my blog posts always seek to answer your questions and solve pain points you’re having (hopefully I’ve done that for you because that’s always the goal!).
But this blog post breaks rules because I’m treating it more like a journal (with hopes of inspiring you to notice lessons in your life, listen to your thoughts, and push you to do/create something new).
So the lesson I learned just through feeling inspired to write this is: IT’S OKAY to break the rules. The blog police aren’t coming to lock me up because I’m not following a certain “standard.” I’m allowed to stray from my normal format.
The same goes for you! You are allowed to bend the rules if they’re keeping you from creating, feeling open, and discovering! (Let me be clear though: I’m not telling you to break actual rules and laws!) I’m just giving you permission to break the rules YOU set for yourself.
I set the rule a long time ago that I’d always write blog posts with the same structure and intent. Maybe you set a rule long ago that you’re not allowed to spend any money on yourself. Or that you should always treat yourself to everything you want.
We all set rules for ourselves without officially doing so. They’re these unwritten things we live by.
One of my “rules” is that I go to bed at a decent hour. So with this logic of breaking the rules, I can allow myself to go to bed after 10:00 PM on a weeknight and the world will not come screeching to a halt!
Your Takeaway
Allow yourself to break the rules you set for yourself so you don’t hold yourself back. Loosen the reigns a bit and be flexible with yourself and the standard you hold yourself to. Breaking your own rules can lead to more creativity and more joy!
(Side note: having high standards is good and helpful sometimes, but work on striking a balance!)
I’m the Happiest I’ve Ever Been
Why? Because I’m doing things I love and intentionally scheduling joy into my life.
You know what I did this month? I actually wrote the word JOY in a few spots on my refrigerator calendar. It felt a bit silly, but it allowed me to block off time to do something just for me that brings me joy.
I can truly say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I’m feeling so blessed in every aspect of my life. And I strongly believe a huge part of that is because I’m choosing to live the life I love.
Related Reading: Stop Wondering How to Prioritize You: The What, Why, and How of Self-Love
I’m intentionally choosing to take my bike for a spin after work and on the weekends. I’m making time to lay in my hammock and to journal at night in my “Good Things” journal (this is a special journal I write happy memories and life happenings in).
No matter how busy life is or what is going on around me in other parts of life, I’m always sure to do one thing per day for myself, even if it’s just a 5-minute activity. And this has upped my happiness and fulfillment greatly!
Your Takeaway
Do something small for yourself every day. Intentionally schedule joyful, fun, lighthearted activities into your week!
Try my self-care calendar for ideas on things you can do for yourself daily that are super quick! This calendar and philosophy have seriously changed my life, and I don’t say that lightly!

Travel Even if You Don’t “Have the Money”
My last random thought is that you should just book the trip. I know that’s a cheesy saying, but I had this thought, and I did just that- I booked a trip to Colorado! And friend, it was SUCH a thrilling, enlightening, empowering moment to click “Book” on a random trip idea!
It was thrilling because usually, I research a million and one things before I land on any one detail of a trip. It’s always well in advance, very thought out, and super planned. This time, it was much more spur-of-the-moment. And that was empowering.
Sure it was a few hundred dollars for flights for my husband and me, and sure that few hundred could have gone toward a bill. But I’m a strong believer that you cannot save your way to good memories.
Your Takeaway
Sometimes, even if your bank account doesn’t look exactly how you’d like, it’s worth it to book a mini trip. The rest and recharge and amazing memories are WELL worth some extra cash out of your pocket.
Please be wise with your money, but if you’re like me and you’re very frugal, you may need the reminder to book the trip!
| Related Reading: 17 Ways to Visualize Your Highest Self and Start Showing Up as Her
Latest Random Inspirational Life Lessons I’ve Learned
Challenge Yourself and Jump When it’s Scary
One of my inspirational life lessons came from a reel on Instagram. The audio reminded me that when something feels scary, that’s the exact right time to jump into it! It’s scary because you know you need it or it’s right for you.
This resonates so much with me because I’ve been on the fence about taking this expensive course. I know it will be so good for me but I’m also worried about spending the money.
All the thoughts start to creep in:
- What if the course isn’t as good as you thought it would be?
- What if I actually hate it?
- What if I waste my money and time with no results?
Hearing the audio from that reel reminded me to just jump in full force. Buy the course, and start in on the work. Do the darn thing. My mom reminded me that even if the course isn’t the best thing since sliced bread, I’ll still come out the other side better for having taken it. She’s right.
Related Reading: Exactly What to do When You’re Feeling Behind in Life
Update: I decided to take the course and I finished it a few months ago. It was WELL WORTH IT.
Your Takeaway
What are you feeling scared to do? Take one step toward it! It can be a baby step (you know I love those).
Start to think about that thing you’re scared to do as something that could be really good for you!

Don’t Force Things, Do What Feels Natural
Another of my inspirational life lessons smacked me in the face after listening to the What We Said Podcast.
And it’s the truth, especially in terms of creating. This could be creating something artsy or just creating something for work or in your personal life. Maybe you’re working on a new presentation for work or you’re reorganizing your closet at home.
If it’s hard, it’s because your creativity isn’t flowing. So instead of forcing it, just go with what feels natural. I’m doing this with this very blog post. I was feeling inspired, so I’m creating what feels natural instead of forcing my normal format of writing.
Your Takeaway
So if you’re in the middle of a project, any project at all, and you’re struggling to make progress, take a step back. Stop with the approach you’ve been trying, and start again in a different way. Jump in and do what just flows and feels more natural.
Things Don’t Have to Come Together All at Once
As Caleb, Mona-Lisa, and I neared the end of our evening walk, and we approached our front yard, I felt overwhelmed at the upkeep our front lawn needed. It wasn’t looking great, weeds were sprouting up everywhere, and it needed some major love.
But right in that moment, something went off in my head. The last of my inspirational life lessons was when I realized I was putting way too much on myself to “finish” our house. When we moved in, we focused almost entirely on revamping the inside, so the outside got a little neglected. In that moment, I shifted my perspective and I reminded myself that everything doesn’t have to come together all at once.
Related Reading: How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Gain Confidence Now
Your Takeaway
It’s okay to have unfinished projects! It’s normal and natural to leave something and get back to it later. Not everything has to be complete and perfect all the time. The “in the works” status of projects can actually be really fun, inspiring, and creative if we let it!
So embrace the non-togetherness of your latest project or even your life! If your life feels totally not put together, that’s fine! You’re not the only one, and there’s beauty in the unfinished because your direction has yet to be determined. It’s fun to edit and change to create the project or life you want!
| Related Reading: 19 Easy Ways to be More Patient with Yourself
Let’s Bring it Home
If you’ve been feeling uninspired lately, I hope this little blog post inspired you to do something new, pay closer attention to the inspirational life lessons in your life, and be more attuned to their inner thoughts.
I have really been staying tuned in and attentive to what’s going on in my life and in my head, and it’s truly inspired me to try a handful of new things! I hope you do the same! Inviting that newness and inspiration in feels so good after being stagnant for so long!
Related Reading
14 Super Simple Tips for Renewed Energy- Stop Wondering How to Care for Your Body
How to Feel Truly Fulfilled in Life
34 Best Books on Finding Your Passion so You Can Live Out Your Purpose in Life
Share this post with someone who could benefit from it!
And follow me on Pinterest for encouraging graphics!
This was such a refreshing read and something I definitely needed as I’ve been feeling a bit stuck lately! Thank you for the advice and motivation 🙂
Ahh amazing! Glad you feel motivated! 🙂
First, I love you went out of your comfort zone! I feel like I really got to know you.
Second you inspired me as well, and helped me feel like my taking more me time than I normally would is okay.
I really appreciate this reminder to be in the moment, and not make myself so stressed trying to fit into a box of societal pressure and my own rules for myself.
Thank you!
Yay I’m so happy that you felt inspired after reading this! That was the goal 🙂
i agree that its okay to break the rules once in a while that we set for ourselves
So glad you agree!
yes yes yes… I especially love being allowed to break your own rules. We truly are our biggest critics and what’s the point of being an entrepreneur if you cannot pivot and evolve!
Absolutely! Pivoting can be uncomfortable and scary at first but it’s necessary!
people fear changes and opt to live in a their comfort zone to avoid facing challenges.
It is absolutely a choice to live in your comfort zone and a whole other choice to decide not to live in it, you’re so right!
Oh, wow. Girl, this is one power-packed post. I loved everything you wrote.
Aww thank you so much for that! I’m happy the post holds meaning for you!!
Thank you so much, while I’m an “out of the box” kinda girl, I do struggle with “not fitting in”> Yes, I know this is a contradiction. I’m physically disabled. I long to be “normal”, but I know I never will be”>
Thanks so much for being so open and honest here! I think it encourages others to do the same! That’s such a valid struggle!