She barely made it to her bed before she collapsed into a pile of exhaustion, didn’t even take off her makeup, and fell fast asleep, just to wake up at 6:15 AM the next morning and do it all over again. He put his head down at his home office desk to rest his eyes for just 10 seconds, then woke up an hour and a half later only to work some more. Can you relate?! Feeling tired and run down seems to be the norm these days. Are you as tired of being tired as I am? Learn how to simply care for your body with ease by using these tangible tips that will allow you to feel renewed energy.
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The Why- The Importance of Caring for Your Body
You’ll only ever have one body, it’s all you were given! Taking care of it can mean a few things: how you treat it, what you put into it, listening to it, and more. Not only do you deserve to treat your body right, but it feels good, and has serious benefits. You are worth taking care of because you have so much to offer. You need to be at your best so that you can show up in this world and do what you’re meant to do, whatever that is. How can you be fully there physically and mentally if you are totally drained and burnt out?
From a physical perspective, it’s important to care for your body so you can fight off germs, strengthen your immune system, develop properly, increase your strength and cardiovascular health, increase your lifespan, and feel a sense of renewed energy!
From a mental health perspective, it’s important to show your body some love so you can feel good enough to be there for your friends and family, to show up authentically with energy and spirit to do what you were put here for, to regulate your emotions, and again, increase your energy!
(Here’s a book I read that totally enlightened me about my health and wellbeing: Woman Code by Alisa Vitti )
As a teenager, I didn’t take care of my physical body and I always felt so tired and lethargic. I didn’t eat well, exercise, or care about how I treated my body inside or out. And I really felt a lack of energy. As an adult, I take time and effort to treat my body right by using the tips below, and WOW, I’ve never had this level of energy! So friend, if you’re exhausted, burnt out, worn out, beat down, or anything like that, keep reading!
Why Caring for Your Body Can be Simple
I’m not over here pushing you to implement some complex strategy with a gazillion rules to follow to be “healthy.” Health and nurturing your body looks different for everyone, and that’s why I want to keep it really simple.
You can care for your body by making small adjustments to your lifestyle- ones that feel comfortable and doable to YOU.
Small changes like the ones below add up over time and can tip the scale for you towards a healthier lifestyle that allows you to care for your body in a way that’s worked into your routine and way of life.
So you don’t have to make any drastic changes to care for your body, inside and out. Pick a few healthy habits, and start working them into your life in small ways. It doesn’t have to be a lifestyle revamp. As you do this, you might even lean further in and embrace more and more healthy habits!
I want to note that health and renewed energy look and feel different for everyone. Do what works for you and do it at your own pace. Ready to shed that lingering tiredness that you’ve been tethered to for so long?! Start with just one of the tips below, and once it’s effectively implemented, add another, and so on. I feel so confident that this will begin to renew your energy so you can fully show up in your life!
Tips for Renewed Energy and Treating Your Body Well
#1: Drink more water- shoot for half your weight in ounces.
Get this, ONLY actual water and tea count toward your water intake. Sorry coffee fanatics, but your coffee doesn’t truly count toward your recommended fluid ounces each day.
Half your weight in ounces is a general guideline, so if you weigh 150 lbs, try to drink 75 ounces of water each day. I can promise you that drinking enough water will work wonders for so many areas of your health! If you consistently stick to an appropriate daily intake, you will absolutely notice increased energy and that you feel better overall! Your skin will glow and your body will thank you.
These are the glasses I use to get extra water in:
Pretty glasses with glass straws
Because they’re so pretty and fancy, it feels fun to drink out of them!
#2: Eat more whole foods- think fruits, veggies, and unprocessed foods.
The less processed foods the better. If it comes in a wrapper with nutrition facts, it’s not really a “whole” food, but that’s not to say to stay away from wrappers with nutrition facts. You’ll do yourself a great service if you learn how to read a nutrition label and understand what to look for. Implement a few more whole foods into your diet daily, and I bet you’ll see a difference in your energy level.
| Related Reading: How to Eat Healthy Without Going on a Diet: The Ultimate Guide

#3: Vary your food intake- eat seasonally and think rainbow.
Do what you can to eat all the colors of the rainbow! When I food shop, I try to vary my fruits and veggies week to week. If we had sautéed spinach with dinner last week, I’ll buy carrots and red bell peppers to snack on this week. You can also shop for the season too. Butternut squash is a winter veggie, whereas cucumbers and tomatoes are summer veggies. Working in such a variety allows your body to get the nutrients it needs and will provide you with the energy boost you crave!
#4: Get more sleep- aim for 7-8 SOLID hours.
This one’s a no brainer! When’s the last time you actually got this much sleep? Sleep affects your short term memory, and obviously your energy. You’ll feel a huge sense of renewed energy if you commit to a bed time each night and wake up around the same time each morning. Consistency is king when it comes to your sleep schedule. And keep in mind, we often wake up and toss and turn at night, so even if you’re in bed for 8 hours, you may have only gotten a cumulative 7 hours of sleep.
I’m super passionate about sleep. I go to bed every night at 10pm and wake up every morning at 6:15am (with the exception of the weekends where I’m more flexible). My watch tracks my rest time and sleep stages, so I pay attention to that. Since sticking to a sleep schedule, if find myself saying “I’m tired” throughout the day a whole less and that used to be my most frequent statement.

#5: Get less screen time- try this tip from my eye doctor!
Your eyes are tired friend. Give them a break from the screen. From work to personal life, my eyes seem to be glued to screens that give off blue light. This can strain your eyes and cause you to feel more tired. My eye doctor recommends that I shift my gaze outside or even to the wall next to me every ten minutes that I’m looking at a screen. This will freshen your eyes and allow you to feel that much-needed renewed energy.
#6: Get outside! In all weather.
You heard me right! No matter the weather, getting outside to soak in each season will breathe life into your tired soul. Going for a walk with a warm drink in hand when it’s cold, or a refreshing iced tea in the heat will work wonders for your body, mind, and spirit.
#7: Move your body more- can you spare 30 minutes?
Nothing will provide you renewed energy like a little movement. This can be a leisurely walk around your yard or a more intense home workout. Whatever feels good for your body, do it and work up to something more consistent. Start with just 5 minutes of movement if you don’t exercise much right now. Once you start, you’ll feel that your body actually craves more movement! (Side note- if you don’t like the term “exercise” call it something else that gets you moving!)
I’ve found that since I started running 8 months ago, I count down the minutes until noon when I can get outside for my lunch run! I used to never look forward to it, but oh how times have changed!
| Related Reading: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Exercising- 13 Tips to Get Started

#8: Stretch.
Sounds so simple, but this way of moving your body can be so restorative! You don’t have to go crazy or follow any certain routine but just move in a way that feels good and doesn’t cause pain. You can hold stretches for 30 seconds to loosen up or a minute and longer to increase your flexibility.
It’s been really energizing and rewarding to watch how my body has become more flexible and fit as I’ve gotten into a home workout routine. The goal is to allow your body to feel like it’s being taken care of and loved.
#9: Implement a self-care routine.
When your mind and soul are taken care of, you can feel a sense of renewed energy. Do you have a self-care routine? It can literally be as simple as this: put your robe on, lotion your legs, journal for 5 minutes, say a quick prayer. It could even just be one thing you do daily like listen to your favorite podcast in the shower. I’m telling you, take care of your inner health, and you will find the energy to take care of your physical health and more.
| Related Reading: Stop Wondering How to Prioritize You: The What, Why, and How of Self-Love
#10: Show your skin some love.
What you put on your skin actually impacts your body on the inside! If you’re curious about that, look into non-toxic skincare. In addition to using quality products that are actually good for your health, get into a habit of exfoliating, moisturizing, and engaging in some overall skin care love! When you feel good and treat your body kindly, you unlock this inner store of energy you didn’t know you had!

#11: Have a hygiene routine- when you “look good” you feel good.
Ever have a killer outfit on and you just feel like you can take on anything? Or how about when your hair is freshly washed and done and you want to take on the world? Implementing a simple hygiene routine can give you the energy boost you need to take on whatever the day is going to throw at you!
#12: Take naps- listen to your body because rest is good.
Rest is not the enemy, my friend! It’s your very best friend! How else can you expect to feel renewed energy if you’re not listening to when your body needs a break. Running yourself into the ground is NOT efficient and working yourself to the bone is NOT optimizing your time. Setting time aside to rest IS a magnificent use of your time so you can feel energized for what’s coming next. For the love of all that is good friend, give yourself permission to rest please.

#13: Allow time for doing what you love.
This works wonders for your inner health, and by now you know that inner health pours over and impacts your physical health. It’s really as simple as carving out time for you to do what feels good! Whether it’s playing the piano, drawing, reading, or playing video games, just treat yourself to a little “you” time.
#14: Listen to how your body feels and lean into that.
This is pretty self-explanatory but I think it’s worth mentioning. It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily tasks and responsibilities of life, and you may not even realize you switched autopilot on. I’m here to remind you to take back the wheel, and direct your life yourself! Don’t get so caught up in the go-go-go of life, that you’re ignoring what your body needs.
Am I the only one who can hear my body telling me I need vitamin C?! Like I can literally hear my body telling me to reach for that clementine or have a glass of orange juice!
That’s where I’d love for you to be- a place where you are in tune with your body enough to hear what it needs (water, vitamins, rest, whatever).

Let’s Bring it Home
Now you know the importance and the why behind treating your body right and have learned 14 easy ways to show your body some love that will increase your energy. Isn’t it clear how easy it can be to take care of your body through small adaptations to the lifestyle you already live? You can literally start with one of these tips and just focus on that one until you find yourself desiring to implement another (and I can bet it won’t take long until you’re craving the renewed energy you find when you treat your body kindly).
Here’s what I want you to do:
- Pick your favorite tip and start in on it tomorrow!
- Keep reading here about how to love yourself!
- Share this post with someone who needs to hear it!
I love this! I’m currently on a self-care journey and trying to get myself and my boyfriend into better health. Great tips!
Love to hear that! 🙂 I wish you well on your wellness journey!
I love the tip about shifting your gaze while looking at a screen! I’ll be implementing that immediately 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
So glad you found a tip that really resonates with you! 🙂
I’ve been making it a point to shift my gaze while sitting for long periods of time at my computer. I’m happy to report that it really does help! I’ve even created a mini jungle of indoor plants strategically placed by my window so it gives me something beautiful and inspiring to look at when I need a break for my eyes and my mind. Something so simple really does make a world of difference! Thanks again for sharing 🙂
I absolutely love this Heather!! 🙂 The mini indoor jungle is such a beautiful idea! Thanks for sharing that!
To me, it is so important to sleep well, otherwise, I won’t be able to function properly. Thanks.
Agreed! I’m such a proponent of a good night’s sleep! It makes alllll the difference!
Thank you- I strive to. Drink a gallon of water a day and you simplified the amount I appreciate that
So glad it’s simple for you! Living a healthy lifestyle and protecting your energy doesn’t have to be complicated 🙂
I love tip #13, allowing time to do the things that bring me joy “me time.” Thanks for sharing.
Yes!! This “me time” is so essential and can breathe so much life into our souls 🙂
So many great tips in this post. My favorite is taking a nap 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Naps are soooo beneficial for our health and energy levels! I hope you treat yourself to a nap today 🙂
Show your skin some love! Need to do this!
Yes! Our skin is so often an afterthought! But I know when my skin is healthy and moisturized, I glow and have so much more confidence 🙂